If you think you've got what it takes to be a Bath Bomb contributor, then here's what we're after. We're not big on censorship, but the general theme of the newsletter is anti-state, anti-authoritarian, pro-societal grassroots change, pro-workers' movement, pro-animal rights, pro-gay rights, anti-sexist, pro-environment, anti-surveillance and freedom infringement, anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-militarist... Lots of 'ist's. If you're still with us, then content-wise: keep it brief, up-to-date, accessible to those outside the activist ghetto, and check your typos and your facts (including links for further info as foot notes to your article is always a nice extra).

Interesting and humorous are both considered a plus point, if you can. The 'house-style' is that of the pun-obsessed tabloid, but don't let that constrain you. Try to keep profanities to a minimum, though we agree that they are, in moderation, sometimes both big and clever. Also, try not to be repetitive in your choice of phrasing, and we encourage the use of commas and full stops where appropriate. And go on, give it a catchy heading! The word limit is 250 words, which many people ignore – much to the despair of the editor at 3am deadline day. So give a thought to that poor S.O.B. when you're trundling out your treatise on the finer points of the rights of man.

Whilst we try to encourage a globally-responsible outlook, we prefer to aim for very much a local focus for our news, for Bath and the surrounding area (as well as Bristol, to a smaller degree) – radical interpretations of local news stories are good, as well as news that other sources may downplay or miss entirely. As well as our online and social-centre-based readers who may have pre-existing radical progressive beliefs, our readership is also made up of local folks from any walk of life; anyone who is likely to pick up a paper hard-copy of a low-budget rag with a name like 'The Bath Bomb' from any number of cafés, take-outs, pubs and shops. These people could be from any background, and ideally won't be alienated after reading.

So goes the hope.

As well as informative news reports or analyses, we also aim to have around one or two 'Theory Corner' pieces per issue, and though it's non-standard for us, possible other content could include: spoof news, book/film/gig reviews, images, cartoon strips, and possibly poetry. Fiction would be pushing it.
If you're not up for producing contributions, then please send us any links, story leads, events you what plugged, campaigns you want plugged, or other comments.

We reserve the right to edit contributions before publishing, or to not publish contributions at all, but, in honesty, would be very reluctant to, as we want to feature as many different voices and perspectives as possible (at least within the newsletter themes outlined above), and editing is likely to be fairly hands-off, just so that we don't interfere or misrepresent what we view as the original author's intent.

Articles to be sent to

Sunday 10th October midday 2010
Sunday 7th November midday 2010
Sunday 5th December midday 2010
Sunday 9th January midday 2011
Sunday 6th February midday 2011